2023 SOA AGM
Friday 3rd November 2023
Venue: Pier One, Sydney
Friday 3rd November 2023
Venue: Pier One, Sydney
2021 SOA AGM
Friday 26th November 2021
Venue: Forrester’s, 336 Riley St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Time: 6-8pm
1. Opening and apologies
2. Previous minutes
3. Business arising from previous minutes
4. Correspondence
5. President’s report
6. Treasurer’s report
7. Election of Office Bearers for 2022
8. General business
9. Close of meeting
Please find the nominations for the SOA Committee 2022:
President: Dr Simone Mustac
Treasurer: Dr Morgan Wishney
Secretary: Dr Jessica Yeo
Councillors: Dr Divya Sriram and Dr Anel Blignaut
Kind Regards,
Dr Jessica Yeo
Secretary SOA
President's Report 2021
Dear Alumni,
I would like to sincerely thank all the members of the Alumni for their support this past year. Another year has almost passed and I am pleased to report
the Alumni continues to remain in a strong financial position.
The Keith Godfrey Visiting Professor for 2021 is Dr. Eric Liou. We were unfortunately unable to proceed with the Alumni Clinical Day for 2021. Dr Eric Liou
will continue to serve as our external examiner and will be proceeding with the examinations of our final year students and presenting online lectures to our post graduate students. The Alumni would like to thank him for his support and assistance.
This year 2021 has continued with the many challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The effects of this continue to be profound and far reaching on our
professional and personal lives. The Alumni is in a strong financial position and committed to continue its support for the Keith Godfrey Visiting Fellowship and its members. We hope that 2022 will provide an opportunity for us to engage in person.
I would like to thank my fellow committee members; Anel Blignaut, Simone Mustac, Jessica Yeo and Morgan Wishney for their commitment and hard work. Our sincere thanks to our long serving committee members Peter Synnott and Allan Ward who will be stepping down this year. Their support, friendship and dedication to the Alumni committee and its members has been unwavering over the years.
I would like to acknowledge our full time members on Faculty, Professor Ali Darendeliler and Dr. Oyku Dalci and thank them enormously for their support of the students and our Alumni.
On behalf of the Alumni we look forward to welcoming our graduating final years into the profession. We wish you all good health and happiness for the coming year and hope to meet in person soon.
Divya Sriram
Treasurer's Report 2021
The Alumni remain in a sound financial position with present total funds of $218,681.23 on Tuesday the 26th of October 2021. This is $11,506.05 less than the previous report given from the 8th of December 2020 and is mainly due to the deposit paid for the 2021 KGVP meeting, the fees paid to
Wallace and Kee and the poor interest rates in the past year.
We currently have:
• $19,311.93 in BOQ Specialist One Account on 26/10/2021. The current savings interest rate on
this account is 0.20%, changed on 26/11/2020 from 0.35%.
• $0.12 in PayPal Account on 26/10/2021.
• $199,369.18 in the 32 day Notice Account on 26/10/2021. This account was opened on 08/10/2019 with an initial deposit of $66,991.81 (previous matured amount from the 1 year term deposit that also contains the original seed money (Approx $55,000)) and an additional deposit of
$130,000.00 made on 02/12/2020. The interest rate on this account is variable and is currently on 0.50%
The interest rate has changed since we opened the account as detailed below:
10/10/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 1.95% to 1.75%
27/12/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 1.75% to 0.75%
30/12/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 0.75% to 1.75%
10/03/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.75% to 1.50%
27/03/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.50% to 1.25%
27/08/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.25 % to 1.10%
08/10/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.10% to 0.95%
26/11/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 0.95% to 0.80%
26/04/2021 Credit interest rate changed from 0.80% to 0.60%
21/10/2021 Credit interest rate changed from 0.60% to 0.50%
A deposit of $8,000 was paid to Pier One on 27/05/2021 to secure the venue for the 2021 KGVP meeting which has since been cancelled due to Covid restrictions. They have given us a 2 year extension on our booking and will hold the deposit for the 2023 KGVP meeting. Wallace & Kee has agreed to a reduction in fees from $4,400 to $2,970 (including GST) per year starting from 2018-19. The invoice of $4,400 for 2018-19 had already been issued and recorded in the account, and so the next audit fee for 2019-20 will be reduced to $1,540 (including GST) instead. The fee for 2020-21 will be $2,970. The audited accounts from 1 July 201 to 30 June 2019 was completed on the 6th of March 2020 by Wallace and Kee for submission. A copy of the annual
report will be available on the Sydney Orthodontic Alumni website http://www.sydneyorthodonticalumni.org.au/The latest audit has been initiated and will be made available once it has been completed. Members present will be asked to support the reappointment of the SAO auditor for the next financial year,
which is also the auditor used by the ASO NSW Inc.
I would like to extend my gratitude to my fellow executive Dr Divya Sriram, Dr Jessica Yeo, Dr Simone Mustac, Dr Morgan Wishney and Prof Ali Darendeliler, as well as Dr Peter Synnott and Dr Allan Ward for their ongoing support.
Prepared on 26 October 2021
by Anél Blignaut
Hon treasurer
2020 SOA AGM
Wednesday 16th December 2020
Location: Zoom meeting
Meeting opened by Dr Divya Sriram, 8:00pm
Members present: Drs Divya Sriram, Anel Blignaut, Jessica Yeo, Ali Darendeliler, Allan Ward,
Deborah Lake
Apologies: Drs Peter Synnott, Russell Kift, Mark Cordato, Simone Mustac, Ian Watson
Previous Minutes:
The minutes of the 2019 AGM had been distributed prior to this meeting. There was no business arising from the minutes.
Proposed that the minutes be accepted: Dr Divya Sriram
Seconded: Dr Deborah Lake
Correspondence: Nil
Presidents Report 2020
Dear Alumni I would like to sincerely thank all the members of the Alumni for their support this past year. Another year has almost passed and I am pleased to report the Alumni remains in a strong financial position.
The KGVP Alumni Clinical Day was held on the 8th November 2019. Our KGVP for 2019, Professor Nejat Erverdi, was unable to be present at the meeting in person due to unforseen circumstances. He was able to present online and fulfill his commitments to the Alumni and all our members. The meeting was well supported and culminated in a successful Clinical Day.
This year 2020 has brought with it many challenges with the COVID-19 Pandemic. The effects of this have been profound and far reaching on our professional and personal lives. 2020 has seen us cultivate our ability to adapt and accept change. With much anticipation, we would like to welcome 2021 as a year to be celebrated with renewed learning and collaboration within our Alumni members. We look forward to catching up with our colleagues in person at the KGVP Alumni Clinical Day 2021.
We are pleased to announce the Keith Godfrey Visiting Professor for 2021 will be Dr Eric Liou and our guest lecturer will be Professor Mithran Goonewardene. The Alumni is in a strong financial position and committed to continue its support for the Keith Godfrey Visiting Fellowship.
I would like to thank my committee; Anel Blignaut, Peter Synnott, Allan Ward, Jenkin Chiu and Jessica Yeo for their commitment and hard work. I would like to acknowledge our full time members on Faculty, Professor Ali Darendeliler, Dr. Oyku Dalci and Dr. Alexandra Papadopoulou and thank them enormously for their support of the students and our Alumni.
On behalf of the Alumni we look forward to welcoming Dr. Andrew Zhang, Dr. Safa Al-Shafi, Dr. Ashwin Nair and Dr. Brett Steele into the profession.
Wishing you all good health, happiness and a very Happy New Year.
Divya Sriram
The Sydney Orthodontic Alumni
Proposed that the Presidents Report be accepted: Dr Divya Sriram
Seconded: Dr Allan Ward
Treasurer’s Report 2020
This had been distributed prior to this meeting and is as follows:
The Alumni remain in a sound financial position with present total funds of $230,187.28 on Thursday the 3rd of December 2020. This is $28,146.90 less than the previous report given from the 11th of October 2019 and is mainly due to KGVP meeting outstanding expenses that had been paid after the
previous report, which is why our previous financial position on Friday the 11th of October 2019 was $26,607.21 more than our 2018 report. Taking this into account there has been a decrease in funds of $4,739.69
It is worth noting that we have taken sponsorship donations on behalf of the PG students at Sydney University for their farewell dinner from 5 supply companies with a total amount of $3,200 to date and with one amount of $800 still outstanding. These donations will be used to pay for their farewell
dinner before the end of the calendar year.
We currently have:
• $31,953.51 in BOQ Specialist One Account on 03/12/2020. The current savings interest rate on
this account is 0.35%
• $0.59 in PayPal Account on 03/12/2020
• The 180 day term deposit matured on 04/12/2019 with a maturity amount of 150,387.62 after a principal amount of $148,562.74 was invested on 05/06/2019. The interest rate was 2.45% (stable at 2.45%) and a total of $1,824.88 was earned.
The 180 day term deposit was not renewed in December 2019 due to a very low proposed interest rate of 1.60% (down from 2.45%). The money was transferred to the One Account until the alumni committee had made a decision on the best investment option. Due to Covid-19 the interest rates continued to fall and the alumni committee decided to move $130,000 from the One Account to the 32 Day Notice Account as the current rate on 10/11/2020 was 0.95% for the 32-day notice account. This rate is variable and given the current market it could either go up or down. An online search at
the same time showed the best interest rates on a business term deposit to be 1.00% fixed with Commonwealth Bank for a period of 12 months, but it was decided to keep all funds within BOQ Specialist bank.
• The 32 day Notice Account was opened on 08/10/2019 with an initial deposit of $66,991.81. This was the matured amount from the previous 1 year term deposit that was closed due to a low proposed interest rate of 1.65%. This deposit contains the original seed money (Approx $55,000).
$130,000 was added to this account from the One Account on 01/12/2020 as detailed above. The interest rate on this account is variable and has changed as detailed below: 10/10/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 1.95% to 1.75%
27/12/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 1.75% to 0.75%
30/12/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 0.75% to 1.75%
10/03/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.75% to 1.50%
27/03/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.50% to 1.25%
27/08/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.25 % to 1.10%
08/10/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.10% to 0.95%
26/11/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 0.95% to 0.80%
The current amount in the account as on 03/12/2020 is $198,233.18 with a total interest accrued of $1,161.61 over the past 13 months. The audited accounts from 1 July 201 to 30 June 2019 was completed on the 6th of March 2020 by Wallace and Kee for submission. A copy of the annual report will be available on the Sydney Orthodontic Alumni website http://www.sydneyorthodonticalumni.org.au/
The latest audit has been initiated and will be made available once it has been completed. The costs involved is about $4,400 per year. Members present will be asked to support the reappointment of the SAO auditor for the next financial year, which is also the auditor used by the
I would like to extend my gratitude to my fellow executive Dr Divya Sriram, Dr Jessica Yeo and Prof
Ali Darendeliler, as well as Dr Peter Synnott and Dr Allan Ward for their ongoing support.
Anél Blignaut
Hon treasurer
Proposed that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted: Dr Anel Blignaut
Seconded: Dr Divya Sriram
General Business:
Professor Ali Darendeliler provided an update on the Department of Orthodontics, that Dr Alexandra Papadopoulou’s term as Senior Lecturer with the University of Sydney has concluded. The Sydney Dental Hospital and University of Sydney are advertising for a full-time lecturer position for 2021 to
fulfill the Orthodontic Department’s teaching needs.
Meeting closed by Dr Divya Sriram at 8:25pm
Dr Jessica Yeo
Hon Secretary
Sydney Orthodontic Alumni
Friday 26th November 2021
Venue: Forrester’s, 336 Riley St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Time: 6-8pm
1. Opening and apologies
2. Previous minutes
3. Business arising from previous minutes
4. Correspondence
5. President’s report
6. Treasurer’s report
7. Election of Office Bearers for 2022
8. General business
9. Close of meeting
Please find the nominations for the SOA Committee 2022:
President: Dr Simone Mustac
Treasurer: Dr Morgan Wishney
Secretary: Dr Jessica Yeo
Councillors: Dr Divya Sriram and Dr Anel Blignaut
Kind Regards,
Dr Jessica Yeo
Secretary SOA
President's Report 2021
Dear Alumni,
I would like to sincerely thank all the members of the Alumni for their support this past year. Another year has almost passed and I am pleased to report
the Alumni continues to remain in a strong financial position.
The Keith Godfrey Visiting Professor for 2021 is Dr. Eric Liou. We were unfortunately unable to proceed with the Alumni Clinical Day for 2021. Dr Eric Liou
will continue to serve as our external examiner and will be proceeding with the examinations of our final year students and presenting online lectures to our post graduate students. The Alumni would like to thank him for his support and assistance.
This year 2021 has continued with the many challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The effects of this continue to be profound and far reaching on our
professional and personal lives. The Alumni is in a strong financial position and committed to continue its support for the Keith Godfrey Visiting Fellowship and its members. We hope that 2022 will provide an opportunity for us to engage in person.
I would like to thank my fellow committee members; Anel Blignaut, Simone Mustac, Jessica Yeo and Morgan Wishney for their commitment and hard work. Our sincere thanks to our long serving committee members Peter Synnott and Allan Ward who will be stepping down this year. Their support, friendship and dedication to the Alumni committee and its members has been unwavering over the years.
I would like to acknowledge our full time members on Faculty, Professor Ali Darendeliler and Dr. Oyku Dalci and thank them enormously for their support of the students and our Alumni.
On behalf of the Alumni we look forward to welcoming our graduating final years into the profession. We wish you all good health and happiness for the coming year and hope to meet in person soon.
Divya Sriram
Treasurer's Report 2021
The Alumni remain in a sound financial position with present total funds of $218,681.23 on Tuesday the 26th of October 2021. This is $11,506.05 less than the previous report given from the 8th of December 2020 and is mainly due to the deposit paid for the 2021 KGVP meeting, the fees paid to
Wallace and Kee and the poor interest rates in the past year.
We currently have:
• $19,311.93 in BOQ Specialist One Account on 26/10/2021. The current savings interest rate on
this account is 0.20%, changed on 26/11/2020 from 0.35%.
• $0.12 in PayPal Account on 26/10/2021.
• $199,369.18 in the 32 day Notice Account on 26/10/2021. This account was opened on 08/10/2019 with an initial deposit of $66,991.81 (previous matured amount from the 1 year term deposit that also contains the original seed money (Approx $55,000)) and an additional deposit of
$130,000.00 made on 02/12/2020. The interest rate on this account is variable and is currently on 0.50%
The interest rate has changed since we opened the account as detailed below:
10/10/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 1.95% to 1.75%
27/12/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 1.75% to 0.75%
30/12/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 0.75% to 1.75%
10/03/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.75% to 1.50%
27/03/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.50% to 1.25%
27/08/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.25 % to 1.10%
08/10/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.10% to 0.95%
26/11/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 0.95% to 0.80%
26/04/2021 Credit interest rate changed from 0.80% to 0.60%
21/10/2021 Credit interest rate changed from 0.60% to 0.50%
A deposit of $8,000 was paid to Pier One on 27/05/2021 to secure the venue for the 2021 KGVP meeting which has since been cancelled due to Covid restrictions. They have given us a 2 year extension on our booking and will hold the deposit for the 2023 KGVP meeting. Wallace & Kee has agreed to a reduction in fees from $4,400 to $2,970 (including GST) per year starting from 2018-19. The invoice of $4,400 for 2018-19 had already been issued and recorded in the account, and so the next audit fee for 2019-20 will be reduced to $1,540 (including GST) instead. The fee for 2020-21 will be $2,970. The audited accounts from 1 July 201 to 30 June 2019 was completed on the 6th of March 2020 by Wallace and Kee for submission. A copy of the annual
report will be available on the Sydney Orthodontic Alumni website http://www.sydneyorthodonticalumni.org.au/The latest audit has been initiated and will be made available once it has been completed. Members present will be asked to support the reappointment of the SAO auditor for the next financial year,
which is also the auditor used by the ASO NSW Inc.
I would like to extend my gratitude to my fellow executive Dr Divya Sriram, Dr Jessica Yeo, Dr Simone Mustac, Dr Morgan Wishney and Prof Ali Darendeliler, as well as Dr Peter Synnott and Dr Allan Ward for their ongoing support.
Prepared on 26 October 2021
by Anél Blignaut
Hon treasurer
2020 SOA AGM
Wednesday 16th December 2020
Location: Zoom meeting
Meeting opened by Dr Divya Sriram, 8:00pm
Members present: Drs Divya Sriram, Anel Blignaut, Jessica Yeo, Ali Darendeliler, Allan Ward,
Deborah Lake
Apologies: Drs Peter Synnott, Russell Kift, Mark Cordato, Simone Mustac, Ian Watson
Previous Minutes:
The minutes of the 2019 AGM had been distributed prior to this meeting. There was no business arising from the minutes.
Proposed that the minutes be accepted: Dr Divya Sriram
Seconded: Dr Deborah Lake
Correspondence: Nil
Presidents Report 2020
Dear Alumni I would like to sincerely thank all the members of the Alumni for their support this past year. Another year has almost passed and I am pleased to report the Alumni remains in a strong financial position.
The KGVP Alumni Clinical Day was held on the 8th November 2019. Our KGVP for 2019, Professor Nejat Erverdi, was unable to be present at the meeting in person due to unforseen circumstances. He was able to present online and fulfill his commitments to the Alumni and all our members. The meeting was well supported and culminated in a successful Clinical Day.
This year 2020 has brought with it many challenges with the COVID-19 Pandemic. The effects of this have been profound and far reaching on our professional and personal lives. 2020 has seen us cultivate our ability to adapt and accept change. With much anticipation, we would like to welcome 2021 as a year to be celebrated with renewed learning and collaboration within our Alumni members. We look forward to catching up with our colleagues in person at the KGVP Alumni Clinical Day 2021.
We are pleased to announce the Keith Godfrey Visiting Professor for 2021 will be Dr Eric Liou and our guest lecturer will be Professor Mithran Goonewardene. The Alumni is in a strong financial position and committed to continue its support for the Keith Godfrey Visiting Fellowship.
I would like to thank my committee; Anel Blignaut, Peter Synnott, Allan Ward, Jenkin Chiu and Jessica Yeo for their commitment and hard work. I would like to acknowledge our full time members on Faculty, Professor Ali Darendeliler, Dr. Oyku Dalci and Dr. Alexandra Papadopoulou and thank them enormously for their support of the students and our Alumni.
On behalf of the Alumni we look forward to welcoming Dr. Andrew Zhang, Dr. Safa Al-Shafi, Dr. Ashwin Nair and Dr. Brett Steele into the profession.
Wishing you all good health, happiness and a very Happy New Year.
Divya Sriram
The Sydney Orthodontic Alumni
Proposed that the Presidents Report be accepted: Dr Divya Sriram
Seconded: Dr Allan Ward
Treasurer’s Report 2020
This had been distributed prior to this meeting and is as follows:
The Alumni remain in a sound financial position with present total funds of $230,187.28 on Thursday the 3rd of December 2020. This is $28,146.90 less than the previous report given from the 11th of October 2019 and is mainly due to KGVP meeting outstanding expenses that had been paid after the
previous report, which is why our previous financial position on Friday the 11th of October 2019 was $26,607.21 more than our 2018 report. Taking this into account there has been a decrease in funds of $4,739.69
It is worth noting that we have taken sponsorship donations on behalf of the PG students at Sydney University for their farewell dinner from 5 supply companies with a total amount of $3,200 to date and with one amount of $800 still outstanding. These donations will be used to pay for their farewell
dinner before the end of the calendar year.
We currently have:
• $31,953.51 in BOQ Specialist One Account on 03/12/2020. The current savings interest rate on
this account is 0.35%
• $0.59 in PayPal Account on 03/12/2020
• The 180 day term deposit matured on 04/12/2019 with a maturity amount of 150,387.62 after a principal amount of $148,562.74 was invested on 05/06/2019. The interest rate was 2.45% (stable at 2.45%) and a total of $1,824.88 was earned.
The 180 day term deposit was not renewed in December 2019 due to a very low proposed interest rate of 1.60% (down from 2.45%). The money was transferred to the One Account until the alumni committee had made a decision on the best investment option. Due to Covid-19 the interest rates continued to fall and the alumni committee decided to move $130,000 from the One Account to the 32 Day Notice Account as the current rate on 10/11/2020 was 0.95% for the 32-day notice account. This rate is variable and given the current market it could either go up or down. An online search at
the same time showed the best interest rates on a business term deposit to be 1.00% fixed with Commonwealth Bank for a period of 12 months, but it was decided to keep all funds within BOQ Specialist bank.
• The 32 day Notice Account was opened on 08/10/2019 with an initial deposit of $66,991.81. This was the matured amount from the previous 1 year term deposit that was closed due to a low proposed interest rate of 1.65%. This deposit contains the original seed money (Approx $55,000).
$130,000 was added to this account from the One Account on 01/12/2020 as detailed above. The interest rate on this account is variable and has changed as detailed below: 10/10/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 1.95% to 1.75%
27/12/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 1.75% to 0.75%
30/12/2019 Credit interest rate changed from 0.75% to 1.75%
10/03/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.75% to 1.50%
27/03/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.50% to 1.25%
27/08/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.25 % to 1.10%
08/10/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 1.10% to 0.95%
26/11/2020 Credit interest rate changed from 0.95% to 0.80%
The current amount in the account as on 03/12/2020 is $198,233.18 with a total interest accrued of $1,161.61 over the past 13 months. The audited accounts from 1 July 201 to 30 June 2019 was completed on the 6th of March 2020 by Wallace and Kee for submission. A copy of the annual report will be available on the Sydney Orthodontic Alumni website http://www.sydneyorthodonticalumni.org.au/
The latest audit has been initiated and will be made available once it has been completed. The costs involved is about $4,400 per year. Members present will be asked to support the reappointment of the SAO auditor for the next financial year, which is also the auditor used by the
I would like to extend my gratitude to my fellow executive Dr Divya Sriram, Dr Jessica Yeo and Prof
Ali Darendeliler, as well as Dr Peter Synnott and Dr Allan Ward for their ongoing support.
Anél Blignaut
Hon treasurer
Proposed that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted: Dr Anel Blignaut
Seconded: Dr Divya Sriram
General Business:
Professor Ali Darendeliler provided an update on the Department of Orthodontics, that Dr Alexandra Papadopoulou’s term as Senior Lecturer with the University of Sydney has concluded. The Sydney Dental Hospital and University of Sydney are advertising for a full-time lecturer position for 2021 to
fulfill the Orthodontic Department’s teaching needs.
Meeting closed by Dr Divya Sriram at 8:25pm
Dr Jessica Yeo
Hon Secretary
Sydney Orthodontic Alumni

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SOA 2019 AGM
President's Report 2019
Dear Alumni
I would like to sincerely thank all members of the Alumni for their support. Another year has almost passed and I am pleased to report the Alumni remains in a strong financial position.
We held a Back to Discipline Afternoon on Thursday 1st November 2018. This was hosted by Professor Ali Darendeliler, staff and students at The Sydney Dental Hospital. It was a great opportunity to see the new and updated Orthodontic Department. The afternoon saw very interesting presentations by the students, an update of the activity at the department and finished with a stimulating presentation on open bite correction. The day finished with celebratory drinks to congratulate the final years on completing their exams. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and an opportunity to meet with fellow Alumni members.
This year has been a busy one as we prepare for the 2019 KGVP. Professor Nejat Erverdi will be the KGVP for 2019 and the KGVP Alumni Clinical Day has been scheduled for Friday 8th November. Professor Nejat Erverdi will be the 13th KGVP and we are looking forward to another successful clinical day.
The Alumni is in a strong financial position and committed to continue its support for the Keith Godfrey Visiting Fellowship. The work of the past and present Alumni councils has been integral to establishing and maintaining this foundation. As a new committee we have been provided with a solid platform to continue with this.
I would like to thank my committee, Anel Blignaut and Jenkin Chiu for their tireless efforts and hard work. As a ‘young and green’ committee we could not have done this without the help of our council members Peter Synnott and Allan Ward who have been a monument of support and guidance for us.
I would like to acknowledge our full time members on Faculty, Professor Ali Darendeliler, Dr. Oyku Dalci and Dr. Alexandra Papadopoulou and thank them
enormously for their support of the students and our Alumni. On behalf of the Alumni we look forward to welcoming Dr. Morgan Wishney, Dr. Dipika Mistry, Dr. Chelsea Mann and Dr Jessica Yeo who will be commencing their exam week shortly. They have worked hard the last three years and will be a most
welcome addition to our profession. We wish them all the very best for a bright future. In view of all the changes within the field of Dentistry and Orthodontics, now more than ever, the solidarity and strength of our Alumni is necessary for us to continue providing the best level of care.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead.
Divya Sriram
Treasurer's Report 2019
The Annual Sydney Orthodontic Alumni Honorary Treasurer’s Report as at Friday 11 October 2019. The Alumni remains in a sound financial position with present total funds of $258,334.18 on Friday the 11th of October 2019. This is $26,607.21 more than the previous report given from 2 October 2018 and is mainly due KGVP meeting fees that have been paid, but all expenses for the meeting have not been paid yet. We predict that there will not be much of
a profit or loss made this year.
We currently have:
• $38,588.04 in BOQ Specialist Account on 11/10/19
• $4,191.53 in PayPal Account on 11/10/19
• $148,562.74 was reinvested on 04/06/19 in a 180 day term deposit at an interest rate of 2.45% (down from 2.55%) and will mature on 04/12/19. $10,000 was transferred to the BOQ Specialist Account prior to reinvestment to cover the initial costs of the KGVP 2019
• $66,991.87 matured from the 1 year term deposit on the 27th of August 2019 after a principal amount of $65,326.06 was invested at an interest rate of 2.55% (down from 2.6% the previous year). Total interest received was $1,665.81. This deposit contains the original seed money (Approx $55,000). A new interest rate of 1.65% was offered by BOQ for re-investment for the same term. Unfortunately BOQ could not offer a better interest rate at
this stage, so the $66,991.87 was invested instead into a 32 Day Notice Account on 27/08/2019 at a 1.95% interest rate. This is not a fixed rate and this investment will be reviewed quarterly to ensure that this money is invested in the best possible way. PayPal made some changes from 6 May 2019. The only change that affects us is the way they treat refunds. If we refund (partially or fully) a transaction to a buyer (registration fees), there are no fees to make the refund, but the 3% fee we originally paid as the seller will not be returned to us.
The audited accounts from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 has been completed and returned to Wallace and Kee for submission. A copy of the annual report will be available on the Sydney Orthodontic Alumni website http://www.sydneyorthodonticalumni.org.au/. The costs involved is about $4,400 per year. Members present will be asked to support the reappointment of the SAO auditor for the next financial year, which is also the auditor used
by the ASO NSW Inc.
I would like to extend my gratitude to my fellow executive Dr Divya Sriram, Dr Jenkin Chiu and Prof Ali Darendeliler, as well as Dr Peter Synnott and Dr Allan Ward for their ongoing support.
Prepared on 11 October 2019
by Anel Blignaut
Hon treasurer
President's Report 2019
Dear Alumni
I would like to sincerely thank all members of the Alumni for their support. Another year has almost passed and I am pleased to report the Alumni remains in a strong financial position.
We held a Back to Discipline Afternoon on Thursday 1st November 2018. This was hosted by Professor Ali Darendeliler, staff and students at The Sydney Dental Hospital. It was a great opportunity to see the new and updated Orthodontic Department. The afternoon saw very interesting presentations by the students, an update of the activity at the department and finished with a stimulating presentation on open bite correction. The day finished with celebratory drinks to congratulate the final years on completing their exams. It was a very enjoyable afternoon and an opportunity to meet with fellow Alumni members.
This year has been a busy one as we prepare for the 2019 KGVP. Professor Nejat Erverdi will be the KGVP for 2019 and the KGVP Alumni Clinical Day has been scheduled for Friday 8th November. Professor Nejat Erverdi will be the 13th KGVP and we are looking forward to another successful clinical day.
The Alumni is in a strong financial position and committed to continue its support for the Keith Godfrey Visiting Fellowship. The work of the past and present Alumni councils has been integral to establishing and maintaining this foundation. As a new committee we have been provided with a solid platform to continue with this.
I would like to thank my committee, Anel Blignaut and Jenkin Chiu for their tireless efforts and hard work. As a ‘young and green’ committee we could not have done this without the help of our council members Peter Synnott and Allan Ward who have been a monument of support and guidance for us.
I would like to acknowledge our full time members on Faculty, Professor Ali Darendeliler, Dr. Oyku Dalci and Dr. Alexandra Papadopoulou and thank them
enormously for their support of the students and our Alumni. On behalf of the Alumni we look forward to welcoming Dr. Morgan Wishney, Dr. Dipika Mistry, Dr. Chelsea Mann and Dr Jessica Yeo who will be commencing their exam week shortly. They have worked hard the last three years and will be a most
welcome addition to our profession. We wish them all the very best for a bright future. In view of all the changes within the field of Dentistry and Orthodontics, now more than ever, the solidarity and strength of our Alumni is necessary for us to continue providing the best level of care.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ahead.
Divya Sriram
Treasurer's Report 2019
The Annual Sydney Orthodontic Alumni Honorary Treasurer’s Report as at Friday 11 October 2019. The Alumni remains in a sound financial position with present total funds of $258,334.18 on Friday the 11th of October 2019. This is $26,607.21 more than the previous report given from 2 October 2018 and is mainly due KGVP meeting fees that have been paid, but all expenses for the meeting have not been paid yet. We predict that there will not be much of
a profit or loss made this year.
We currently have:
• $38,588.04 in BOQ Specialist Account on 11/10/19
• $4,191.53 in PayPal Account on 11/10/19
• $148,562.74 was reinvested on 04/06/19 in a 180 day term deposit at an interest rate of 2.45% (down from 2.55%) and will mature on 04/12/19. $10,000 was transferred to the BOQ Specialist Account prior to reinvestment to cover the initial costs of the KGVP 2019
• $66,991.87 matured from the 1 year term deposit on the 27th of August 2019 after a principal amount of $65,326.06 was invested at an interest rate of 2.55% (down from 2.6% the previous year). Total interest received was $1,665.81. This deposit contains the original seed money (Approx $55,000). A new interest rate of 1.65% was offered by BOQ for re-investment for the same term. Unfortunately BOQ could not offer a better interest rate at
this stage, so the $66,991.87 was invested instead into a 32 Day Notice Account on 27/08/2019 at a 1.95% interest rate. This is not a fixed rate and this investment will be reviewed quarterly to ensure that this money is invested in the best possible way. PayPal made some changes from 6 May 2019. The only change that affects us is the way they treat refunds. If we refund (partially or fully) a transaction to a buyer (registration fees), there are no fees to make the refund, but the 3% fee we originally paid as the seller will not be returned to us.
The audited accounts from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 has been completed and returned to Wallace and Kee for submission. A copy of the annual report will be available on the Sydney Orthodontic Alumni website http://www.sydneyorthodonticalumni.org.au/. The costs involved is about $4,400 per year. Members present will be asked to support the reappointment of the SAO auditor for the next financial year, which is also the auditor used
by the ASO NSW Inc.
I would like to extend my gratitude to my fellow executive Dr Divya Sriram, Dr Jenkin Chiu and Prof Ali Darendeliler, as well as Dr Peter Synnott and Dr Allan Ward for their ongoing support.
Prepared on 11 October 2019
by Anel Blignaut
Hon treasurer

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SOA 2018 AGM
Thursday 1st November 2018
Venue: Sydney Dental Hospital, 2 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills (Lecture Theatre 9)
Meeting opened by Dr Divya Sriram 5:50pm
Members Present:
Drs Peter Synnott, Constantine Amditis, Roger Peate, Amrik Manku, Lawrence Smith,
David Armstrong, Ali Darendeliler, Alexandra Papadopoulos, Lam Cheng, Oyku Dalci,
Morgan Wishney, Aziz Sahu-Khan, Ted Peel, Shanya Hammond, Gordon Cheng,
Laura Leask, Simone Mustac, Andrew Zhang, Ishan Savran, Ashwin Nair, Brett
Steele, Monica Mullane, Hui Theng Choy, Chelsea Mann,
Dipika Mirstry, Safa Al-Shafi, Conroy Chow.
Drs Geoff Squires, Anastasia Bacopoulos, Gosia Barley, Siva Vasudavan, Geoffrey
Morel, Sabrina Michael, Russell Kift, Mark McLachlan, A/Prof Jim Hawkins.
Previous Minutes
The minutes of the 2017 AGM had been distributed previously. A/Prof Hawkins
pointed out spelling error, which has been corrected.
Proposal to accept the minutes: Prof M Ali Darendeliler
Seconded: Dr Ted Peel
Prof Nejat Erverdi confirms that he will accept his invitation to be the KGVP 2019.
Correspondence received regarding the sad passing of Dr Michael Imer’s son. The
Alumni offer their deepest condolences to his family.
Business arising from correspondence: Nil
Treasurer's Report
The treasurer’s report by Dr Anel Blignaut was previously distributed and is available
on the SOA website:
The Annual Sydney Orthodontic Alumni Honorary Treasurer’s Report as at 22
October 2018
The Alumni remains in a sound financial position with present total funds of
$231,726.97 on Monday the 22nd of October 2018. This is $33,625.08 less than
the previous report given on 30 October 2017 and is mainly due to there the out
standing fees that was still owed for the KGVP meeting from November 2017.
Taking those fees into account, we currently roughly have $1,726 less than the
previous year.
We currently have:
• $11,802.79 in BOQ Specialist Account on 22/10/18
• $2,69 in PayPal Account on 22/10/18. PayPal incurs a 3 % service fee.
• $154,595.43 is currently invested in a 180 day term deposit at an interest rate of
2.55% and will mature on 04/12/18.
• $65,326.06 matured from the 1 year term deposit on the 27th of August 2018
after a principal amount of $63,661.78 was invested at an interest rate of 2.6%.
Total interest received was $1,664.28. The term deposit has been automatically
re-invested for the same term at a new interest rate of 2.55%. This deposit contains
the original seed money (Approx $55,000)
The interest accrued for the 2017/2018 financial year from the SOA accounts was
$5,703.61 and is mainly from our ongoing term deposits.
This was a fairly quiet year for the SOA and we are looking forward to the next
KGVP meeting in 2017. Our expenses were kept to a minimum with the main
expense being taxes paid on the income we accrued from the KGVP the previous
year which amounted to $2,890.00 and the auditor’s fee of $4,400.00
The audited accounts from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 was completed in November
2017. A copy of the annual report is available on the Sydney Orthodontic
Alumni website http://www.sydneyorthodonticalumni.org.au/
The costs involved is about $4,400 per year. Members present will be asked to
support the reappointment of the SAO auditor for the next financial year, which
is also the auditor used by the ASO NSW Inc.
I would like to extend my gratitude to my fellow executive Dr Divya Sriram, Dr
Jenkin Chiu and Prof Ali Darendeliler, as well as Dr Peter Synnott and Dr Allan
Ward for their ongoing support.
Prepared on 22 October 2018
by Anel Blignaut
Hon treasurer
Proposal to accept that the Treasurers Report: Dr Constantine Amditis
Seconded: Dr Ted Peel
General Business: No general business was introduced.
Meeting was closed at 5:57pm by Dr Divya Sriram
Dr. Jenkin Chiu
Sydney Orthodontic Alumni
Thursday 1st November 2018
Venue: Sydney Dental Hospital, 2 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills (Lecture Theatre 9)
Meeting opened by Dr Divya Sriram 5:50pm
Members Present:
Drs Peter Synnott, Constantine Amditis, Roger Peate, Amrik Manku, Lawrence Smith,
David Armstrong, Ali Darendeliler, Alexandra Papadopoulos, Lam Cheng, Oyku Dalci,
Morgan Wishney, Aziz Sahu-Khan, Ted Peel, Shanya Hammond, Gordon Cheng,
Laura Leask, Simone Mustac, Andrew Zhang, Ishan Savran, Ashwin Nair, Brett
Steele, Monica Mullane, Hui Theng Choy, Chelsea Mann,
Dipika Mirstry, Safa Al-Shafi, Conroy Chow.
Drs Geoff Squires, Anastasia Bacopoulos, Gosia Barley, Siva Vasudavan, Geoffrey
Morel, Sabrina Michael, Russell Kift, Mark McLachlan, A/Prof Jim Hawkins.
Previous Minutes
The minutes of the 2017 AGM had been distributed previously. A/Prof Hawkins
pointed out spelling error, which has been corrected.
Proposal to accept the minutes: Prof M Ali Darendeliler
Seconded: Dr Ted Peel
Prof Nejat Erverdi confirms that he will accept his invitation to be the KGVP 2019.
Correspondence received regarding the sad passing of Dr Michael Imer’s son. The
Alumni offer their deepest condolences to his family.
Business arising from correspondence: Nil
Treasurer's Report
The treasurer’s report by Dr Anel Blignaut was previously distributed and is available
on the SOA website:
The Annual Sydney Orthodontic Alumni Honorary Treasurer’s Report as at 22
October 2018
The Alumni remains in a sound financial position with present total funds of
$231,726.97 on Monday the 22nd of October 2018. This is $33,625.08 less than
the previous report given on 30 October 2017 and is mainly due to there the out
standing fees that was still owed for the KGVP meeting from November 2017.
Taking those fees into account, we currently roughly have $1,726 less than the
previous year.
We currently have:
• $11,802.79 in BOQ Specialist Account on 22/10/18
• $2,69 in PayPal Account on 22/10/18. PayPal incurs a 3 % service fee.
• $154,595.43 is currently invested in a 180 day term deposit at an interest rate of
2.55% and will mature on 04/12/18.
• $65,326.06 matured from the 1 year term deposit on the 27th of August 2018
after a principal amount of $63,661.78 was invested at an interest rate of 2.6%.
Total interest received was $1,664.28. The term deposit has been automatically
re-invested for the same term at a new interest rate of 2.55%. This deposit contains
the original seed money (Approx $55,000)
The interest accrued for the 2017/2018 financial year from the SOA accounts was
$5,703.61 and is mainly from our ongoing term deposits.
This was a fairly quiet year for the SOA and we are looking forward to the next
KGVP meeting in 2017. Our expenses were kept to a minimum with the main
expense being taxes paid on the income we accrued from the KGVP the previous
year which amounted to $2,890.00 and the auditor’s fee of $4,400.00
The audited accounts from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017 was completed in November
2017. A copy of the annual report is available on the Sydney Orthodontic
Alumni website http://www.sydneyorthodonticalumni.org.au/
The costs involved is about $4,400 per year. Members present will be asked to
support the reappointment of the SAO auditor for the next financial year, which
is also the auditor used by the ASO NSW Inc.
I would like to extend my gratitude to my fellow executive Dr Divya Sriram, Dr
Jenkin Chiu and Prof Ali Darendeliler, as well as Dr Peter Synnott and Dr Allan
Ward for their ongoing support.
Prepared on 22 October 2018
by Anel Blignaut
Hon treasurer
Proposal to accept that the Treasurers Report: Dr Constantine Amditis
Seconded: Dr Ted Peel
General Business: No general business was introduced.
Meeting was closed at 5:57pm by Dr Divya Sriram
Dr. Jenkin Chiu
Sydney Orthodontic Alumni

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